Grout Ports
Discover how our casing pipe ports can improve your piping projects.
Discover how our casing pipe ports can improve your piping projects.
When your pipe needs grout ports, Pittsburgh Pipe is here to help. Our fabrication services give us the flexibility to provide any additions. When you need affordable fabrication, look to Pittsburgh Pipe.
Grout ports help deliver permeation grout wherever it needs to go. What is permeation grout? It is a product that fills cracks or voids in rock and soil with a flowable mixture to create a cemented mass. Permeation grouting is also known as concrete grouting or chemical grouting. During this process, the grout flows through a grout tube to fill in the cracks to solidify structures. We provide grout injection ports to carry the concrete grout from your pipe to the void that needs filling.
When specified, Pittsburgh Pipe can install grout ports in casing pipe. Standard ports, also called grout holes, for horizontal casing are 2” half couplings with countersunk hex plugs welded into the casing. These ports are typically placed with the hex plug oriented to the interior of the casing and flush with the casing ID. They are positioned as required by each project, often at 10’ centers axially at the crown of the casing. Our added fabrication services can handle any and all grout injection ports/holes that your project calls for.
Pittsburgh Pipe’s standard grout ports are:
When you need specialized pipe casing or horizontal casing to accommodate additional changes, we’ve got you covered.
Pittsburgh Pipe fabricates customized grout and injection ports for your needs. We design them to fit with the customized casing pipe we create for your project. Then we send them to you quickly so you can complete your project efficiently and effectively. We send the right pipe, right on time for all your business’s piping needs.